A ‘systems thinking’ approach to saving lives from heart attacks and strokes
A technologists’ skill set of crafting scalable solutions works well on notoriously hard problems like public health. The way to make it approachable is to adopt ‘systems thinking’.

Atharva Raykar
30-Dec-2024, 18 minute read

Simple wins e-governance award in India
Simple was recognized with a Gold Award at the at the 27th National Conference on e-Governance.

Daniel Burka
01-Oct-2024, 4 minute read

Digital Health publishes article about Simple in India
Simple was implemented by administering a user-centered approach and agile techniques. The authors explain how we did this.

Daniel Burka
17-Jul-2024, 4 minute read

Guide: Fast & simple user testing for healthcare
A practical guide for user testing your software, so healthcare workers will love it. The guide is based on 6 years of experience user testing Simple, DHIS2, OpenSRP, and other digital health tools.

Tony Joy
18-Apr-2024, 2 minute read

HEARTS360: A gold-standard dashboard for hypertension and diabetes programs
Highly effective dashboards designed for managing hypertension and diabetes programs at scale, based on WHO standard indicators.

Jamie Carter
11-Apr-2024, 3 minute read

The power of 30 million blood pressure measures
To celebrate 30 million blood pressures in Simple let's explore the power of a humble blood pressure measure.

Jamie Carter
06-Mar-2024, 8 minute read

Digital playbook
Designing an optimal digital tool for hypertension and other long-term treatment programs — Lessons learned over the last 6 years.

Daniel Burka
22-Feb-2024, 3 minute read

Calling overdue patients helps improve return-to-care rates.
How do we reveal the data behind overdue patient calls in a meaningful way?

Jamie Carter
10-Jan-2024, 8 minute read

The impact of the Simple app on nurse efficiency
In a time-and-motion study conducted in India, Simple was shown to streamline hypertension care.

Dr. Ashish Krishna
31-May-2023, 4 minute read

Simple en español
Simple is now available in Spanish, thanks to open source contributions from the community.

Daniel Burka
14-Apr-2023, 3 minute read

BMJ implementer report about Simple
We published an implementer report in BMJ outlining the key factors to succeed with a digital system for monitoring a large-scale hypertension program.

Daniel Burka
27-Feb-2023, 5 minute read

Generating powerful insights through contextual inquiry
Sometimes, quiet observation surpasses extended interviews.

Aarti Bhatnagar
14-Sep-2022, 10 minute read

Discuss: Tech can do many things — good and bad.
Join us to hear about how the Simple engineering team believes in and strives for technology for social good.

Misu Tasnim
09-Aug-2022, 2 minute read

2 million patients
Simple just crossed a huge milestone: healthcare workers have now registered more than two million patients with hypertension and diabetes.

Daniel Burka
02-May-2022, 3 minute read

Simple is now a Digital Public Good
Today we are thrilled that Simple is counted as a 'Digital Public Good' alongside many other incredible open source projects working to achieve the United Nation's sustainable development goals.

Daniel Burka
03-Jan-2022, 3 minute read

Clinical software must respect clinicians' precious time
A user-centered approach to designing digital tools for global public health quickly surfaces that “time” is the most underappreciated factor.

Daniel Burka
04-Oct-2021, 18 minute read

Requirements for a digital information system for hypertension control
Healthcare workers are too busy to enter detailed data—but a hypertension control program needs just a few key pieces of data to improve patient care. Keep it simple.

Daniel Burka
27-Sep-2021, 15 minute read

1 million patients
A million patients with hypertension and diabetes are being managed by clinicians using Simple in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and India.

Aarti Bhatnagar
14-Sep-2021, 2 minute read

Philomina, a staff nurse in India, explains how she uses Simple
We received this wonderful testimonial, recorded by a staff nurse in Maharashtra.

Daniel Burka
15-Oct-2020, 3 minute read

BP Passport app for patients
The world's simplest personal hypertension charting app

Mahima Chandak
14-Jul-2020, 3 minute read

Remote user testing during lockdown
How we create better software for healthcare workers with remote user testing methods

Pragati Mehrotra
08-Jun-2020, 3 minute read

Simple + Bangladesh
Simple is now deployed in hospitals in northern Bangladesh

Tanushree Jindal
25-Feb-2020, 2 minute read

Simple Wins "Best in Show" at the IxDA Awards in Milan
Simple was recognized with the top prize at the Interaction 20 Conference

Akshay Verma
12-Feb-2020, 3 minute read

Offline-first apps are appropriate for many clinical environments
How making Simple an offline-first app reduces patient wait time

Govind Joshi
02-Jan-2020, 6 minute read

Co-creation with nurses
How we make better software for our users by creating solutions together

Pragati Mehrotra
17-Dec-2019, 6 minute read

How regular phone interviews with users gets us excellent insights
Regularly scheduled phone calls helps us identify patterns of concern

Tanushree Jindal
20-Nov-2019, 7 minute read

A day in the life
How a nurse uses Simple to help save patients with hypertension

Akshay Verma
10-Oct-2019, 4 minute read

Training, the Simple way
The tools and methods the Simple team uses to train clinicians

Deepa Venkatraman
04-Oct-2019, 4 minute read

What we are learning by creating an ultra-thin EMR
How clinicians use Simple to manage 125,000 patients with hypertension

Daniel Burka
18-Sep-2019, 11 minute read

5 articles to convince leaders that design and usability matters
A curated list of articles suggested by the larger design community

Daniel Burka
03-Sep-2019, 3 minute read

How storyboarding from real user data drives good product decisions
The process and value of storyboarding our user's experience

Mahima Chandak
22-Aug-2019, 7 minute read

How a simulated clinic helps us make better software
Simulating clinics to understand our users and their work context

Tanushree Jindal
06-Aug-2019, 8 minute read

Open source brand for Simple
The process and ideas that shaped Simple's open-source indentity